More than 50 per cent of people who have taken their tax-free say they did not need to take that much at the time and 28 per cent of them are still contributing to their pensions, suggesting withdrawals are not being made on the basis of sound financial planning decisions.
New research from Legal & General Investment Management has found nearly three-quarters of those who access their tax-free cash believe that the main purpose of their pension is to provide an income for life, yet at the same time 76 per cent of respondents do not intend to use their tax-free cash to provide them with an income in retirement.
Nearly half of the 1,500 DC members polled – 46 per cent – said they would not have withdrawn their cash if it had not been tax free.Home repairs and improvements were the top reason for tax-free cash withdrawals, the motivation for 27 per cent of those withdrawing cash.
The research suggests behaviour around withdrawals appears to be driven by the way tax-free cash is framed, with 26 per cent withdrawing their cash as possible at the age of 55 exactly. Many of these scheme members are unaware of the potential for growth had they kept their money invested for longer.
Over half who had withdrawn their lump sum said they did not really need as much right away and that they could have taken less and 29 per cent said that they could have used other savings instead.
Those with less in their pension are more likely to cash in and spend their tax-free cash – with 53 per cent of those with pots of less than £10,000 agreeing with the statement that tax-free cash is ‘there to spend, like a bonus or a windfall’ compared to 30 per cent of those with pots of over £250,000.
Even among richer savers, there is an aversion to keeping their tax-free cash invested in their pension. While 48 per cent of those with pots of over £250,000 say they believe their lump sum is something to ‘invest elsewhere, for better returns’, those with pots of over £250,000 are three times more likely to keep their tax-free lump sum in cash rather than invest it – 54 per cent in cash savings versus 18 per cent in a stocks and shares Isa or other investments.
Female pensions savers are more likely to withdraw earlier – 33 per cent of women versus 22 per cent men at aged 55 – and to put their tax-free cash in a savings account, current account, or cash ISA to keep for a rainy day – 29 per cent of women versus 19 per cent of men – leaving them vulnerable to accepting a low cash interest rate instead of an investment return in their pension for longer.
LGIM co-head of defined contribution Rita Butler-Jones says: “Rather than its original intention of incentivising saving, tax free cash allowances appear to have the opposite effect in practice – encouraging members of pension schemes to spend more before they retire and take their tax-free cash savings whilst they still have other sources of cash savings. This is a potentially very damaging situation for whole generations of future retirees. Freedom today is hurting freedom tomorrow.
The post Tax-free cash withdrawn when not needed – research appeared first on Corporate Adviser.