Financial bonuses have been identified as the most desired incentive and reward in the workplace by younger people, according to a new survey from rewards and incentivisation platform, BeeLiked.
Research has revealed the top 10 most wanted incentives and rewards in the workplace, according to a new survey of under 30s this month.
The report details exactly how companies can attract the best UK talent in 2021. The top 10 incentives for younger workers were financial bonuses, increased paid leave allowance, additional ‘early finish days, wellness-related packages, company dinners and social events, vouchers or gift cards of choice for food, complimentary lunch or dinner, vouchers or gift cards for experiences (events or classes), gym or fitness membership, and vouchers or gift cards of choice for drinks.
In recent years, the younger generation has made up a larger proportion of the workforce, with businesses increasingly looking for new ways to attract the most talented and skilled among this age group
The research found that financial incentives are essential to the younger generation, who may want to get on the property ladder or start a family. It turns out that financial bonuses are the most important reward for hard work for 37 per cent of UK workers.
Younger people value work-life balance more than those in their late twenties, who value financial rewards more.
Furthermore, the most popular benefits among new employees are those related to health and wellness. In the younger generation, mental health has become much less taboo, and they are acutely aware of this in the workplace. Offering wellness packages demonstrates that companies value an employee’s mental health , which can be an appealing proposition to new talent.
The post Britain’s best incentives rated by young people appeared first on Corporate Adviser.