Syrona Health has launched Predict, a new profiling tool which focuses on the impact of specific conditions at different life stages on companies, focusing on women’s health, men’s health, fertility, menopause, and chronic conditions.
Businesses can use it to measure the return on investment of life-stage benefits and meet workforce health needs. Predict uses data analytics to create detailed employee profiles for businesses, identifying areas for improvement and providing customised reports.
It draws attention to women’s health by examining menopause support, maternity leave laws, and reproductive health services. According to Syrona Health, addressing these issues is crucial because data indicate that 60-80 per cent of women going through menopause experience symptoms that interfere with their ability to work, and 1 in 10 women have endometriosis.
Predict also addresses mental health and cardiovascular health issues for men, given that men are 24 per cent more likely than women to die from heart disease and three times more likely to commit suicide.
Syrona Health says Predict is positioned to transform how organisations approach employee well-being by providing actionable insights and demonstrating the financial benefits of investing in life-stage benefits.
Syrona Health co-founder Anya Roy says: “The launch of Predict comes at a time when employers are increasingly recognising the importance of supporting their workforce’s health and well-being across various life stages”
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