One year on from the start of our partnership with Spectrum.Life and the usage data is in. It’s official; employees are using the EAP proactively, to help stay well and at work. How do we know this? In the vast majority (87%) of instances, employees are contacting the EAP while they are in work, as opposed to when they are on short/long term sickness absence (13%). And in almost 3 in 5 cases, issues are resolved there and then, on the first call, by a fully qualified, accredited/registered Counsellor or Psychotherapist. In other words, ‘in the moment’ support works. Not everything EAP related needs to go down the structured counselling route.
Why is this news? Because EAPs often get confused with crisis management services. While perfectly capable of handling a crisis, this is not – and never was – what they were designed for. The goal is to provide appropriate support to help prevent everyday challenges become bigger issues. For example, help to tackle the normal, everyday, stresses and strains of work and life, as well as help to prevent any lingering stress, anxiety and relationship difficulties from becoming ingrained and escalating into a medical issue.
When viewed through such a lens, EAPs may be considered an important and integrated part of a culture of wellbeing, with the potential for great outcomes for both people and business.
But that doesn’t simply happen automatically. It’s our job, as an industry, to help make it happen.
That’s why, since the start of our partnership with Spectrum.Life, we’ve focused strongly on helping intermediaries and employers with everything from education, and outcomes reporting, to bespoke data-driven employee communication strategies.
The proof is in the pudding, as the saying goes. So, what does our overall ‘one year on’ data show, based on organisations with Legal & General Group Income Protection (GIP) cover?*
Majority of issues are resolved there and then
Spectrum.Life’s counsellors offer 24/7 ‘in the moment’ support during every consultation and every interaction with the service. In other words, every single call – from an employee or a member of their immediate family – is answered by a fully trained and qualified Counsellor or Psychotherapist, skilled in a range of evidence-based therapeutic models, as well as traditional short-term solution focused therapy.

They will discuss the issue facing the individual and complete a mental health assessment. They will then collaboratively explore the next steps; either providing the support needed there and then or referring for structured counselling. There is no time limit on these calls and no limit to the number of times they may call.
One year on from launching with Legal & General and almost half (45%) of all the EAP’s support services provided may be attributed to ‘in the moment’ mental health consultations.
As a quick aside, it’s worth noting that other services to which employees and their families have access include legal and financial information, a medical helpline, manager consultations and critical incident support. This, alongside, many more everyday reasons to visit the platform and app, from a digital gym, self-guided mindfulness and meditation to nutritional wellbeing pathways, mental health e-learning and online shopping discounts.
Back to in the moment support via the EAP and, of those 45% of mental health consultations, in almost 3 in 5 cases the individuals received the support they needed there and then.
In 2 in 5 cases, the individual was referred for structured counselling. This lower figure is not because clinicians have any limitations on referrals for structured counselling, it is simply due to the fact that structured counselling is not always clinically appropriate.
Positive outcomes for people and business
How do we know that this model works? Because the Workplace Outcomes Suite (WOS) tells us it does. This represents the validated gold standard measure of an EAPs interventions. It is recommended as best practice by the Employee Assistance Programme Association (EAPA).
Our overall ‘one year on’ data evidences pre- to post- mental health consultation / counselling improvement on the WOS**, as follows:
- 33% reduction in presenteeism
- 22% reduction in absenteeism
- 22% reduction in workplace distress
- 21% increase in life satisfaction
- 16% increase in work engagement
Our work doesn’t end there. Data gathering is just the start. Our dedicated Mental Health Promotion Officer is on hand to work with intermediaries and clients to collate WOS data bespoke to their specific organisations. This data is then used to help identify what’s working and what the common challenges for their employees are. This information is used to design and drive tailored communication strategies to help further ensure that the right people are getting the right intervention, in the right place, at the right time.
Stephen Costello, CEO of Spectrum.Life, comments: “Spectrum.Life and Legal & General Group Protection have had a hugely successful partnership thus far, helping to improve health outcomes and supporting employees to stay in, or return to work. With Legal & General’s expertise in keeping individuals healthy and engaged coupled with Spectrum.Life’s clinical and innovative solutions, we’ve seen tangible improvements across the board. From seamless transitions to impactful outcomes, our partnership has delivered real value.”
Looking at the future of EAPs – it’s about supporting a culture of organisational wellbeing; helping proactively keep people in good work that is beneficial for their health. Employers have a pivotal role to play in the mental health of their workforce. And it’s increasingly understood that this has to be approached in an integrated way that considers both culture and interventions. This is a cross-industry and cross-functional task. And it’s through the working partnership between wellbeing providers, insurers, intermediaries and employers, that big gains will be made.”
*Please note: All Legal & General Group Protection products come with an Employee Assistance Programme, as standard. Legal & General’s Group Life Assurance (GLA) cover also includes 24/7 in the moment support coverage under their policy. Short-term counselling is not a covered service as part of GLA (aside from bereavement counselling, which of course is covered), but employees will never be left without support and will be signposted appropriately if short-term counselling is deemed clinically appropriate.
**Workplace Outcome Suite data looks at pre and post use of counselling services to assess the impact on outcomes for the individual, and the workplace, in areas like presenteeism, absenteeism, workplace distress, workplace satisfaction and engagement.
The post Colin Fitzgerald: The future of Employee Assistance Programmes appeared first on Corporate Adviser.