Carillion are a “management firm who have no expertise in the industry’s they maintain and go for cheap Labour. I refer to these management companies as a “Shell “, in many cases an empty shell – yet investment houses invested in these shells for and on behalf of their clients. It is interesting that RBS ( Robbing Bank of Scotland) suddenly became Bankrupt and on the day the CEO Fred Goodwin alerted The Mr Darling ( who was totally unaware of the Banks problems). RBS the state owned bank continue to destroy small business by refusing to provide banking services ( along with Lloyds, Halifax Bank of Scotland). We have seen Scottish widows and their pension deficits), , sold to the Spanish bank, Banks of Scotland Clydesdale and RBS ), Barclays to the middle east- all sold off and refusing to provide any reasonable banking service. Banks offload their work to call centres – refuse to provide them with information – and expect them (really – do they not know what they are doing ? ) to provide the same level of service. These are the “leaders”, the idiots and incompetents running our banking services – being paid millions of pounds delivering huge dividends – yet destroying “Customer Services”. Even challenger Banks like Metro Bank kicked out of USA are Intermeddling with clients savings – destroying servce to meet their American ways – huge fees up front – or cheap pens to gather client funds. A more clear and investigation into the Real Assets the Real Funds for clients has been left to chance by the Bonk of England( no pun intended) – Carneys greasy £5-00 and £ 10-00 pound notes ( already being forged) is carried out to destroy the Value of the UK British Pound by this Carelss Canadian ( IE American form the north). The value of money is in the Confidence in the Note. I am happy to receive old £ 10 .00 and £ 50.00 pound notes – because others accept them. These old notes have a value to the people as an Exchange – the Barter system. We do not need Carney corrupted money as it is hostile to the many. Bring back Real Money get rid of the Empty shells of convenience and corruption< So who is ultimately responsible for the Bankruptcy of Carillion – MRs May and her "team " putting the "CON " in CONservatives. I wonder if Nicola Parish is looking at A J Bell ? She has been notified about their Fraud Maladministraion and losses.