
Steven Cameron: Why transfer values will fall under CPIH

Cameron: Industry faces renewed challenges in 2021

Prepare for a ‘building back better’ budget With the Budget in March and Covid-19 cases still on the rise, the Chancellor is expected to remain focused on laying out his plans for protecting jobs and providing...

Impact accounting and the modern DC pension

Impact accounting and the modern DC pension

As the popularity of environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing has grown, so have its various subsets. Impact investing – a strategy targeting a real-world effect as well as a financial return –...

Marginal increase in AE opt-outs in 2019: DWP

Aon predicts bumper year for bulk annuity deals

There are expected to be a record number of pension schemes securing bulk annuity transfers and other risk settlement solutions in the next 12 months. Aon has predicted that this market will...

New Year honour for Nest CEO

New Year honour for Nest CEO

Helen Dean, CEO of Nest, has today been awarded a CBE for services to pension saving. Dean, who started her career in the benefits office of Peckham, became one of the architects...

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