Around 66 per cent of employers say that their ability to attract and retain people is impacted by the health and wellness support they provide, according to Towergate Health & Protection.
According to 37 per cent of participants in a recent poll, an organisation’s strategy for promoting the health and well-being of its staff is critical to employee retention, and 28 per cent of respondents said it plays a decisive role in luring in fresh talent.
Additionally, nearly 29 per cent of businesses reported using customised health and well-being support to target particular demographics during the hiring process in order to attract and retain the best candidates.
Companies that don’t provide strong health and well-being support can see its importance with 23 per cent of employers admitting that their current support isn’t enough, and it’s making it harder for them to hire and keep their employees.
Debra Clark, head of wellbeing at Towergate Health & Protection, says: “Offering health and wellbeing support has so many areas of positive impact, not least in helping to attract and retain talent.
“By offering support targeted at particular groups, an employer can ensure that they and their staff are getting the very most from the options available, and forward-thinking employers see just how much this can support their recruitment and retention strategy.”
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