Comedian, and new Strictly Come Dancing contestant, Robert Webb is appearing in a new film video for Make My Money Matter alongside Ghosts’ actor Lolly Adefope.
The film, directed by Richard Curtis, co-founder of the Make My Money Matter campaign, centres on two characters with different views on how to tackle the climate crisis, with one not caring where his pension is invested, while the other wants her pension to build a better world.
Curtis says the film aims to shine a light on the hidden power of our pensions, and highlight the role they play in tackling the climate crisis, while dispeling myths which discourage savers from greening their money.
It builds on research conducted by Make My Money Matter, Aviva and Route2 which revealed that greening your pension is the single most powerful action individuals can take to cut their carbon footprint. They claim a green pension has 21 times more impact at cutting your carbon than stopping flying, going veggie and switching to a renewable energy provider combined.
Curtis says: “As COP26 approaches, people across the UK are waking up to the hidden power of their pensions. Our own research shows huge growth in awareness around the damage that our investments may be causing. In fact, over 20m people now recognise that their pension may be contributing to climate change, while 18m savers would choose a green pension if offered one. Now is the time for the industry to respond and ensure everyone has a pension they can be proud of.
“Desmond and Susan are the perfect characters to take this message to the mainstream – helping show the absurdity of investing against our values, and the extraordinary potential if we all make our money matter. With COP26 on the horizon, we hope all pension funds take a leaf out of Susan’s book and ensure our money tackles the climate crisis, not fuel the fire.”
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