Run by BBS Consultants and Actuaries, the SuperTrust UK Master Trust was established in 2005. The scheme offers a low-cost online version for employers wishing to self serve, or a fully supported bespoke option. The bespoke version allows members to access fund values, change investments and model projections through its 4myplan portal.
It offers a flexible charging structure the most expensive configuration of which is as low as all but one other scheme in the sample.
The default’s cash-targeting strategy has 100 per cent exposure to equities, boosting it to the top of the performance rankings in this report. Benign markets have rewarded the above average level of risk the fund has taken, although members have been on a bumpier ride than those in other defaults, with the default experiencing the highest top-to-bottom price variance in all but one of the five calendar years for which data was gathered.
The default operates a derisking timetable of 15 years, with the glide path endpoint asset allocation of 100 per cent cash.